Learning Linux Shell Scripting and SVN

Since this took me a little longer than I would have liked to find, and improve I thought I would post a little nugget about Linux Shell scripting and SVN that I learned today.

You can use the following line to add multiple files to your repository:

svn st | grep "^?" | awk '{ print $2}' | while read f; 
    do svn add "$f";

However, the solution above from array studios to add multiple to a subversion repository fails when you have filenames that contain spaces. Normally files with spaces in them are not idea, however, I had a few files with spaces and I thought that there must be a solution. With a little digging, I found the AWK Manual very helpful. Below is an updated solution that should work with filenames that have spaces.

svn st | grep "^?" | awk '{ $1=""; print;}' | while read f; 
    do svn add "$f"; 

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