Monthly Archives: January 2010

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Learning Linux Shell Scripting and SVN

Since this took me a little longer than I would have liked to find, and improve I thought I would post a little nugget about Linux Shell scripting and SVN that I learned today.

You can use the following line to add multiple files to your repository:

svn st | grep "^?" | awk '{ print $2}' | while read f; 
    do svn add "$f";

However, the solution above from array studios to add multiple to a subversion repository fails when you have filenames that contain spaces. Normally files with spaces in them are not idea, however, I had a few files with spaces and I thought that there must be a solution. With a little digging, I found the AWK Manual very helpful. Below is an updated solution that should work with filenames that have spaces.

svn st | grep "^?" | awk '{ $1=""; print;}' | while read f; 
    do svn add "$f"; 


About is a short url service that creates location aware hashes.  The initial prototype of was created during the fall 2009 LA Startup weekend.  The idea was pitched by Justin Kruger, and was created with the help of Alexis Eller, and Andrew…. uses geolinks to represent geographic areas on a map.  Each geolink may be accurate enough to describe something like a region, city, or street address.  We can even define a specific GPS coordinate with about 12 characters that you can share in your tweets, on your blog, or in your text messages to friends.  Geolinks are especially neat because you can vary the precision of the defined area by removing characters from the end of the link.   Because of this special attribute, geo hashes are easily compared and hierarchically grouped, so a computer might be able to find all of the geohashes that are within a city just by comparing strings; no calculation is necessary.

The geohash algorithm has a few other improvements over the one found at, for one, our hashes dedicate the 1st character to defining the longitudinal region.  We use 1 of 64 possible characters in each character position thus breaking the earth into 64 vertical regions.  We even put the 1st region at the international dateline to make time calculations easier.  The idea here is that if your geohash was only one character long, or you/ your computer only wanted to look at the first character, it could then roughly approximate which time zone the remaining characters are in.  Using the 1st, and 2nd character, you should be able to define a region the size of Kansas.  Together the 1st two characters define 4,096 regions on earth ( 64×64 ).  The remaining characters work a bit differently and work more like a traditional geohash.  Each character in the hash describes with increasing precision an area inside of one of those 4,096 regions.  Using 5 or 6 characters should define about the size of a city, and 12 characters the area of a laptop computer.

Because geolinks, are both a geohash, and a hyperlink, we can collect interesting stats on who is visiting a given region, and we can crawl the web and twitter to see what people are saying about a given reason.  Think of it as a sort of pageRank for location on the web.  And because it’s a hierarchical data format, any shorter url can include the information from all of the locations that it contains.

We plan to have a lot of fun with taking the site further, how would you want to use the site?  Please provide us feedback through the Uservoice link on the left hand side and we would love to add interesting features.