Monthly Archives: April 2010

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Who could buy Palm?

a list of companies that could buy palm
  • Dell, Sony, HTC, etc.. — Have mobile devices, but this could give them an edge.
  • ASUS, Abit, etc…. —  All make hardware and could use a nice mobile platform.
  • Amazon, Barns and Noble — both make eReaders that could be decimated by the iPad, Palm’s Web OS could give them the engineering talent along side a great OS to create a new Mobile media device.
  • nVidia –  if nVidia had a platform like WebOS, they could ensure a rockstar platform for their mobile chips.
  • AMD –  I don’t think AMD has the cash to buy palm.
  • IBM –  Could be interesting, IBM has cash, and they don’t have a mobile plan.  This may be reason for IBM to go after a mobile leader.
  • Oracle –  Since Oracle has acquired Sun, MySQL, and …. OpenOffice by default.  It might be interesting to see what this Tech Giant could do in the Mobile Enterprise Space.
  • Google – Could buy Palm to strengthen it’s position against Apple, and could port Palm’s intellectual property to the Android OS.
  • Nintendo –  Hmmm, this could be interesting, as I think the companies would culturally work well together.
  • Microsoft –  Yeah, WM7 +++   MS could somehow make windows mobile better, or better arm it’s lawyers against Apple.  Can you imagine the MS Palm Courier?