Babelfin Logo - Icon
In the near future I hope to push out a version of Babelfin that will work in Japanese. Soon after I will release one in French. As part of that release I thought I would iterate a bit on the logo and the site layout. The previous logo was a one color logo with grey text ( which in print is two colors anyways ), this one is a two color log and is high contrast. I think the new logo is readable and distinct. I also hope that the subtle abstract nature of a fish bone is present.
I found inspiration for this logo via the hit show Mad Men and my recent visit to the Picasso exhibit.
Let me know if you like the logo, or if you are feeling bold, I would love to see what you come up with. Take this as inspiration.
As for the site at large, I really just need to add a call to action to collect email addresses and to send people a link to the plugin/ chrome extension. I felt like an email list is the best option until I can afford to dedicate some time to really write some copy. At some point I expect to add at least two more pages, one for each language. Over time I will start to add the other typical pages like About, etc… But for now I only need a landing page.
What are your thoughts?
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